An array may refer to any of the following:

  1. With programming, an array is a group of related data values (called elements) that are grouped. All the array elements must be the same data type. The examples below show how an array is defined and called in Perl and JavaScript.

Perl array example

As you can see in the example below, our array is called “@numbers” and contains a set of different numerical values spelled out.

In some programming languages, an array is known as a list or vector.

my @numbers = (“one”, “two”, “three”, “four”, “five”);print “$numbers[0] and $number[1] equals 3”;

The above Perl script prints the first two array elements using $numbers[0] (0 is the first number in programming) and $number[1], followed by the “equals 3” text (result in the box below).

one and two equals 3

JavaScript array example

The below JavaScript array example utilizes the same array name and values as the Perl array example above.

When you call elements from an array by their element number, that number is called a subscript. Each of these element numbers is also known as an index.

function myFunc(){ var numbers = [“one”, “two”, “three”, “four”, “five”]; numbers.toString(); document.getElementById(“example”).innerHTML = numbers[0] + " and " + numbers[1] + " equals 3"; }

The above JavaScript code prints the first two array elements using numbers[0] (0 the first value in a JavaScript array) and number[1], followed by the “equals 3” text (result in the box below).

The above JavaScript example requires an HTML element with the ID of “example”, such as


, where the text is displayed.

  1. With computer drives, an array is two or more drives that are grouped and act as one. For example, in a RAID array, a user may utilize multiple drives that mirror each other for redundancy to help protect the data on the drives.

The “myFunc()” function is called as a page load event (e.g.,), a button click event (e.g., ), or other event.

  • How to create a computer program.

Array of pointers, Data structure, Hard drive terms, Pop, Programming terms, Push, Render array

  • Hard drive help and support.