Startup may refer to any of the following:

  1. Startup is preparing the computer, operating system, hardware, or software for operation. This action is more commonly called the boot or boot up.

  2. Start or Startup is a location that stores programs to load each time a computer starts. For example, Microsoft Windows users can see each of the programs that startup each time their computer boots using the msconfig utility.

  • How to turn on a computer.
  • POST troubleshooting steps.
  1. When referring to a company, a startup is a newly formed company that is typically less than two years old with no more than 20 employees and has less than five million dollars in financing.

For any Windows user who wants to have a program startup each time their computer starts, a shortcut can be placed in the Windows Startup folder.

  • How to make Windows programs start automatically.
  • How to prevent Windows startup programs from loading.

Boot, Business terms, Operating system terms, Software terms, Start, Startup application, Startup folder, Startup group