Splash screen may refer to any of the following:

  1. Alternatively called a boot screen, boot skin, or welcome screen. The splash screen is an introduction page displayed as a program or computer is loading or booting. For example, when a Microsoft Windows computer is starting up, there is a Windows splash screen displayed while Windows is loading. Usually, the splash screen can include a logo or another image, and a company name, and sometimes the company’s slogan. The picture below shows an example of the BIOS splash screen for a Dell computer.

  2. A splash screen can also be used on websites. For example, a website splash screen may restrict access to a site, requiring a visitor to log in before gaining access to the site. It may also be used to allow a visitor to choose their native language or a lower bandwidth version of the site. Splash screens can also be used as a method of advertising. They may be built using Flash programming, for animation or video playback, or they can be built with HTML and CSS for more basic functionality.

  3. When describing a website, a splash page describes an introductory web page that often features a lot of graphics, animations, or videos. These splash pages help give an exciting way to show off new products or introduce new visitors to the company.

  • How to disable the Windows loading splash screen.
  • How to disable a computer BIOS splash screen.

Boot, Computer slang, Hardware terms