A hop may refer to any of the following:

  1. When referring to a network, a hop is an intermediate connection between the source and destination. With the traceroute command, you can see how many hops it takes to reach a destination.

As shown in the example below, to connect from an example computer to Computer Hope, it took three hops. Traceroute displayed each of the servers, routers, and their response time for each hop.

1 169 ms 190 ms 160 ms slc1-tc.xmission.com []2 159 ms 160 ms 190 ms cisco0-tc.xmission.com []3 165 ms 189 ms 159 ms www.computerhope.com []

  1. In IRC, a HOP is short for half OP and is a user that doesn’t have every right, but can kick, ban, voice, and change topic.
  • How to use ping, winipcfg, and other network commands.
  • Network and network card help and support.

AOP, Computer abbreviations, Network terms, Op, Trace, Traceroute