A command may refer to any of the following:

  1. A command is a word or phrase that, when typed or spoken, causes the computer to perform a certain operation. For example, at an MS-DOS prompt, when typing the “dir” command and pressing Enter, the user would see a listing of directories and files in the current directory.

A program or operating system that supports commands can have dozens and sometimes hundreds of different commands with different options and switches for each command.

  1. When referring to a programming language, a command is a unique word used to perform a specific operation. For example, “print” is a command used to display text on the screen. Entering and executing the command below prints “Hello World!” to the screen.
  • How to use the Windows command line (DOS).
  • See the MS-DOS commands page for a list of MS-DOS and Windows command line commands.
  • Linux shell tutorial.
  • See the Unix and Linux commands page for a listing of Unix and Linux commands.

print “Hello World!”;

  1. On a macOS computer, command may refer to the Command key, which replaces the Ctrl key in most Windows keyboards shortcuts.

At command, AT commands, Command key, Command Language, Command prompt, Operating system terms, Programming terms, Syntax