A BF & GF may refer to any of the following:

  1. Shorthand for boyfriend and girlfriend, BF & GF are used when talking about a boyfriend or girlfriend. Below is an example of how this could be used.

Don’t touch him, he is my BF! My GF is extremely sexy.

  1. See the BF definition for other definitions that related to BF.

  2. GF is short for GeForce, a brand of nVidia video cards.

  3. GF is short for Good Friend.

  4. GF is short for Good Fight, a term like GG used after a good game. Players may also use GFG (good f*@#ing game or good freaking game) after a game

  5. The Internet domain suffix .gf is short for French Guiana.

BAE, BF, Chat terms, Computer abbreviations, Game terms