Developed by Intel and released in March 1976, the 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor similar to the 8080, with two additional instructions added for its serial I/O and interrupt features. It utilized less circuitry, which allowed lower-cost computers to be built using the 8085 microprocessor.
The 8085 featured a +5-volt power supply through the use of depletion-mode transistors. By contrast, the 8080 microprocessor used +5-volt, -5-volt, and +12-volt power supplies. The use of a single power supply made the 8085 more energy efficient than the 8080.
The 8085 was available in three clock speeds:
- 3 MHz
- 5 MHz
- 6 MHz
Intel manufactured the 8085 microprocessor until 2000. It was succeeded by Intel’s 8086 microprocessor.
8087, 8088, CPU terms
Related information
- Computer processor history.