If you’re experiencing problems with your Vulcan Venture II, use this page to troubleshoot your device.

Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

This page’s purpose is to help you figure out common problems with your Vulcan Venture II

The laptop does not turn on at all

When you encounter a problem like this, think small first. Try plugging the laptop into the charger. If it powers on then it just needed a charge. If you remove the charger after 10 minutes or so and it still shuts down then there could be another problem.

If the battery is not holding its charge, then it is time for a new battery. You can tell the battery is faulty and not holding charge by using your charger to fully charge it, then unplug the charger and see if the laptop shuts down.

If the device is heating up while on your desk and randomly shutting off without notice

If dust clogs up the fan it prevents the fan from working properly to cool down the computer. This can lead to your computer shutting down without notice. The dust can be cleaned up by using compressed air on the fans and inside the vents.

The programs are freezing up/not loading

Sometimes old versions of a laptops software can cause it to run slowly and ineffectively. When an update comes up it will usually notify you on the laptop.

There are many different ways that you can do this. You can do a quick google search and find several virus testing. Some examples are “EICAR Test File” and “ICARUS Security Software”.

Sometimes old programs saved in your computer can cause some software failure. These built up programs cause your software to work harder resulting in failure.

The laptop will not let you connect to the internet

Disconnect of the wireless network, then try to reconnect, you may need to re-enter the password.

The laptop is on and running, but the screen is entirely black

Try plugging in the laptop to charge it. This will allow the laptop to get the proper battery supply, leading to a working screen

One component like a graphics card could have overheated and caused the screen to become blank. To see if it has overheated, try powering it down and setting it in a cooler/ air conditioned room. Let it cool down for 15-30 minutes then reboot it. If the screen works again then the laptop is good to go.

The keyboard may be unresponsive and none of the buttons are working or the touchpad as well

This would be the simplest way to attempt to fix the problem. Press the power button, let the laptop fully power down, then turn it back on. Try the keyboard to see if it works.

This will require more hands on work. You will have to flip the laptop over and take the back cover off. Then look for any loose wires if any. If you find a wire that is loose or disconnected, simply reconnect it to its proper plug. Then put the cover back on and make sure the keyboard works by turning on the laptop again and trying to type.