On a cell phone, instead of dialing a phone number, then entering an extension or selecting menu options when prompted, you can use commas to create pauses between numbers. Each comma entered creates a two-second pause, and you can use multiple commas to create longer pauses. For example, if you need to call 1-800-123-4567, then enter extension 901 when prompted to reach a specific department or person, you can enter “18001234567,,,901” on your cell phone. When dialed, your phone calls 1-800-123-4567, pauses for six seconds, then automatically enters 901 for the extension.

How to add commas to a phone number on a cell phone

  • Access the phone keypad to dial a phone number.
  • Enter the phone number to call.
  • Press and hold the asterisk key (*) to create a comma. Repeat for the number of commas you want to add for the appropriate pause time.
  • Enter the phone extension or menu option.
  • Add other commas and numbers, if necessary.
  • Tap the dial button to call the number.

You can use this method to navigate several menus by adding multiple comma sections in a number. However, you need to know the amount of time between these menus to set pause times.

  • Android phone and tablet help and support.
  • Apple iPad and iPhone help and support.