Time Required
20 minutes
- Brake Pad
- 8 steps
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What you need
Step 1
Brake Pad
- Note: In this repair guide the pictures are taken with the tire removed so that it is easier to follow our steps. However, removing the tire is not necessary to replace the brake pads.
- Unscrew the brake pad cap with a T25 screwdriver bit.
Note: In this repair guide the pictures are taken with the tire removed so that it is easier to follow our steps. However, removing the tire is not necessary to replace the brake pads.
Unscrew the brake pad cap with a T25 screwdriver bit.
Step 2
- Grab and pull out the spring between the brake pads.
Grab and pull out the spring between the brake pads.
Step 3
- Slide out the back brake pad first. Then slide out the front brake pad.
Slide out the back brake pad first. Then slide out the front brake pad.
Step 4
- Slide in the new brake pads with the first going in the front.
Slide in the new brake pads with the first going in the front.
Step 5
- Then slide in the other pad in the back.
- Make sure each brake pad is facing the right way.
Then slide in the other pad in the back.
Make sure each brake pad is facing the right way.
Step 6
- Push the spring back into place between the two brake pads so the spring is visible in the hole shown here.
Push the spring back into place between the two brake pads so the spring is visible in the hole shown here.
Step 7
- Screw the brake pad cap back on.
Screw the brake pad cap back on.
Step 8
- Adjust the red knob as necessary (directions are noted on the knob).
- Be sure to test your brakes thoroughly in a safe, low-speed environment.
Adjust the red knob as necessary (directions are noted on the knob).
Be sure to test your brakes thoroughly in a safe, low-speed environment.
Now your bike should actually be able to stop.
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Ben Hartinger
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Cal Poly, Team 1-37, Maness Winter 2014
Member of Cal Poly, Team 1-37, Maness Winter 2014
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